When we pray, we too can “ignite” supernatural communication with God.


We may be so familiar with today’s Gospel account of the transfiguration of Jesus that we miss something. Can you guess what?

Take a minute now, and read this part again:

“Jesus took Peter, John, and James
and went up a mountain to pray.
While He was praying His face changed in appearance
and His clothing became dazzling white.”

We can well imagine the dazzling white garment. We can picture Jesus’ face transfigured so brilliantly that only a divine power could transform it. But Jesus didn’t go up the mountain to put on a show. Jesus “went up a mountain to pray.” And furthermore, this fantastic transformation occurred “While he was praying.” Prayer, then, was the matrix for the Transfiguration. Prayer was the “takeoff” point of this supernatural event.

Every time Jesus prayed, something “ignited.” Not always so dramatically, but always His communication with His Father was powerful, like touching a lit match to gasoline.

When we pray, we too can “ignite” supernatural communication with God. It needn’t be dramatic. It may not even be verbal, or visible. It can be as quiet as a thought, as unnoticeable as the blink of an eye. But does God see us? Yes! Does God hear us? Definitely! Does God understand our hearts, as well as our words? Absolutely! And is it worth it? Totally!

Lord, help me to pray, right now, even if only for a moment. Lord, You have taught us how to pray in so many ways, with the help of the Holy Spirit, with the words of the “Our Father,” with our hearts and our hands, just to name a few.

We may not “go up a mountain” to pray. We may not have our clothing turn dazzling white. We may not even have our facial expressions change. But prayer always, always changes things.

Prayer changes us. It changes our hearts. It can change our circumstances, or the way we look at things. It can even change You, O Lord, so that You will turn to us and listen, and perhaps You will grant us what we desire.

Thank You, O Lord, for Your example of prayer.
Help me to pray to You often,
even if just for a moment.

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